Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Four years of Obama (Carter)

That's all she wrote folks. You can now buy a presidency and elect someone that you do not know. We have a majority of Dems. in both houses, so I hope for the best, but am worrying.

How do you call an election- much more concede!- when there were so many districts that had not completed the count?

Who will be the next Reagan? Reagan lost in the Republican nomination in '76 to Ford. Ford lost to Carter. Many believe that the country needed four years to realize what it really needed. It's like the Book of Mormon cycle. I hope that is what is happening.

No apologies, I did not vote for Obama for some good reasons. I may be poor, but I don't want someone else's money. Associations are important to me now, 20 years ago and 20 years in the future. You are your friends. Life is important on all levels and should not be discarded carelessly. We are a great nation, with faults, and the best thing out there and if the president does not believe it, what does that say?!?

Good night, God bless.


Eyepoke said...

That's McCain for you- like I said at the start of this thing: The Biggest Wimp in America.

I'm also disgusted with Romney for wimping out so early. He could have eaten Obama alive.

And annoyed with Bush for not realizing that training a vice to take over was important. And for not getting on the mike and going over the media's heads, direct to the people more often. He could have changed alot of minds and hearts with his voice. Sometimes actions don't speak louder than words.

Hoba Chi said...

I just printed this to survive the next four years. Keep hope alive.

“Sure, there's a disappointment in what happened, but the cause, the cause goes on. Don't get cynical. Don't get cynical because look at yourselves and what you were willing to do, and recognize that there are millions and millions of Americans out there that want what you want, that want it to be that way, that want it to be a shining city on a hill.”
- Ronald Reagan on his 1976 defeat in the Republican Primary

timpani76 said...

Yay Erik! Keep hope alive! I love that quote about America becoming "a shining city on a hill.”

Bruce said...

i hope..... well i just hope. i dont know that i would call mccain a wimp. i think he was trying to do it a different way. i agree with that. he just chose the wrong different way. i think we will see romney again in 4 years. and if mccain could not shake the 4 more years of bush montra that was put out not VP of bushs could have. i would still like to figure out a way to get my self into the process. i just dont see a way to do it with no money. i think some one with proper values a good heart and the willingness to piss every one off could be a great pres. we had a bunch of unaposed people running. maybe i could get i to one of those.

Hoba Chi said...

I am with you Bruce. I saw way too many unopposed races and that bummed me out. I would like to be more inclined to try for public office, but I am just not. :P

Dana Cheryl said...

I'm interested to see what will happen in the next four years. I'm nervous but interested.

I didn't vote for Obama but I did enjoy it when he said that the young men in the black community should pull their pants up and wear a belt. A white man would have been shot for that. :)

Hoba Chi said...

Glad your back, Dana. I was worried when I did not see your comments on any blogs.

Dana Cheryl said...

Thanks E! The landlord has some work done at our place and the internet line was cut. It's hard to make it w/out the internet. lol.