Saturday, May 9, 2009

What I need most for and from a black belt.

With the impending black belt test, I am of course analyzing and pondering my state. I have come to the conclusion that I need self-discipline from the training for a black belt and the being a black belt.
I don't feel that I need to improve in actual physical application of movements. What I need is to regularly practice them so that they are part of my life style. Up to now I have been resting on my laurels of teenage martial arts practice. It was enough that- even now- I can pull stuff out of my hat for when its needed. I know that is going to go away sooner or later.
One indication is my regular injuring of my hamstring. If its age, fitness level or whatever, I know if I am not regularly practicing- requiring discipline, more of these things will probably pop-up or just the hamstring injury again ad nauseam. That in turn will make it hard for me to practice and downward goes the spiral.
I know discipline won't insulate me from age or its affects, but it will give me the flexibility to make adjustments to keep the physical level that I can/should have.
(Please note that I am in no way saying, I know it all. There is more to learn, but what I am required and need to know now, I can do. I just need to do it regularly, consistently and internalize it, so I can improve on it, use it at the drop of a hat and learn more.)
Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings. 'preciate it.


Eyepoke said...

On the age thing:

It's true that aging is just a fact of life. Some day we are probably going to die, and mostly likely inbetween now and then at some point these mortal vessels (ahem) will logically experience an inbetween phase or too... Not dead yet, but going bad.

BUT!Almost nobody in our culture really takes very good care of their body. Midwestern Americans eat badly, workout rarely, drink alot of caffine, don't sleep enough, and do alot of drugs. The aging thing does not have to be near as heinous as it tends to in in the people around us.

I'm lucky in that I have Bruce's dad for an example here.The man is in his 60's and Bruce and I both have managed to beat him exactly once each in the triathalon, and we had to work like the devil to do it. Will either of us beat him this year? I just don't know. He's been working out very consistently his whole life and the age thing just hasn't messed with him yet.(well he lost his hair, but I think that happened when he was pretty young anyway)

It can be done.

timpani76 said...

Getting old just means you have to get off your butt more and work harder!

I know, I really suck at this support thing ;)

Dana Cheryl said...

Ya know I think that we limit ourselves by putting too many restrictions on ourselves. age, race, etc... Sure there are physical changes put I feel that each of us is capable of far more than we allow ourselves to believe. For example...

Dara Torres: 42 yrs old co-captain of the US Swim team. That's a brutal sport & she was serious competition despite recently having had a baby.

Bob Hayes: 80 yr old from Montana who still runs 50 mile ultra marathons. He may not win but he does beat folks 30 & 40 years younger. I have not a doubt that he'd beat me.

Buster Martin: 101 yrs old ran the London Marathon in a little over 7 hrs.

Barring serious illness/injury we can remain strong & flexible until we die. I think it's just hard for most people to really believe that or maybe they're too busy.

Anyway, you're a young pup compared to many out there doing their sports thang. I really admire your desire to reach your goals. I know that you can exceed them! :)

lizS said...