Thursday, October 9, 2008

Back in the saddle

Well true believers, I made it back to Kajukenbo class tonight. It was good that I went as the black belt assistant was running late. I warmed up the class and ran some drills. (It's odd as several times when I have missed a block of classes and came back, I wind up teaching.)

On a side note, I, in fact, went last week, but the class time had changed to a later time. Domestic tranquility did not allow for the temporal variance, so I could not wait. I count that as going. Schnaaa!

So I fully intend to go back next week, learn more, put up with the emphasis on sport grappling while plotting street anti-grappling tactics and eventually gain a black belt in Kajukenbo. Night- night!


lizS said...

good for you! you get that black belt, rah!

Bruce said...

i know you hate it(there are some elements i dispise also) but the new world of mma has opened evry ones eyes to the fact that there is no one greatest martial art. and that a lot of us, like me, who came up in the world of striking need to know what to do when you are taken off your feet. statisticly 9 of 10 real fight will end up on the ground. and you can learn alot of technique in useing the sport aspect. granted for a street situation it would need some adeptation but that would be true of Tae Kwon Do and any other style that practicise as a sport. i have learned a bunch working sport grapling. of corse we have submissions in mind as we grapple. it was funny, last night there was a guy that wanted to drill some submissions and asked if i would be his partner. he weighs about 135lbs. the size and strength difference was so great that i not only had to LET him do the move i acually had to help get into position. i love being part of the martial arts world again.

timpani76 said...

Awww, Erik's always so nice (in a nerdy way) when he says "my wife could not handle me being out that late!"

Hoba Chi said...

Thanks for all the support.

Bruce, I have heard that statistic batted around a lot. From what I have read it is based on an LAPD statistic about untrained fighters and its not so much about takedowns as people just falling over while fighting. Mostly it is thrown up by people who want to prove that one should take (insert name) grappling style.
That said, I understand that people who train MA to defend themselves need to prepare for being on the ground. The problem is most of the groundfighting taught is sport groundfighting. I will fully admit most people who concentrate on grappling will hand me my butt. It's a good thing that is not who I am training for. I want to train "grapple to escape" not submit, tap or spend 30 seconds rolling.

Timpani, luf you.

Hoba Chi said...

Bruce, did you see the latest post on The Adventures of Danger Boy and Kid Catastrophe? It's about grappling. :)

Dana Cheryl said...

Thanks for sharing. It's inspiring to read how you've returned to something you enjoy so much. We should all find something we love to do and do it! Rock on.

Bruce said...

i was in class recently and was sparing (mma) with one of the few people who are big enough to make me have to stuggle with size, most of the guys are no more than 170lbs. any way i was able to choke him with a guillatine and tapped him out twice with in 30 sec. in a street situation he would have been in real trouble. i like to train the sport aspect of grappleing and mma, it allows you to go nearly full force without the danger of nearly killing or being killed by your opponent. i think you are right though, grapple to escape should be the plan in a self defence situation. but once again back to class experence, i was going me against 3and i grabbed the nearest one to me, pulled gard and got him into a submission position. i then told his "friends", "back off or ill break his neck i swear." and thin i told him "tell your friends to go away." i know putting yourself on the ground is not a great idea but i used him as a shield and, lucky for me, i got him into a submission very quickly. just so you know, i dont clame to be good at mma or especially grapling. some of the guys in there are obviously way better than me. i happen to be strong enough to make them have to work hard to get me. if some one came in who had skill and strength, i would be in big trouble.