NOW THAT'S THE TALK I WANT TO HEAR! Not, mew, mew, we have to understand, we have to talk mew, we are so bad, we deserved it mew.

Mary's blog reminded me that it was almost over. He was not perfect, but he stepped up to the plate and did his best. I fully believe had Al Gore been in his place, the market would have crashed then and we would been trying to understand the terrorists' feelings. We would then have been hit again.

Anyway, salute to President Bush for, if nothing else, but most importantly, keeping us safe. I do not feel it was an accident. I feel that he actively helped keep us from being attacked again.
I especially like the picture of Pres. Bush with his hand over his heart ;)
He's the man!
GWB is welcome at my campfire anytime. Bad press is prety much the common lot of good leaders. Thanks Erik!
Man, am I going to miss him. I really hope and pray that Obama has the sense to follow Bush's lead in dealing with pure evil. Nice post, awesome video.
If he did the first thing he would do would be throw himself in the brig.
I liked Bush. Here's the important difference between GWB and Obutthead: GWB I believe is at heart good. Obama, at heart is in love with Satan.
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